
Banned RT-video

Interview beginning of June, 2014, president Vladimir Putin had with French media representatives on the eve of the D-Day commemorations in Normandy, France. At 16:39 Putin says:

Francois Mitterrand spoke of a European confederation with Russia as a member. I think this opportunity still exists. We will have it in the future.

As we have said before, Vladimir Putin is the Charles de Gaulle of the 21st century. Welcome to Europe, mr. Putin.

Moi je dis qu’il faut faire l’Europe avec pour base un accord entre Français et Allemands. (…) Une fois l’Europe faite sur ces bases (…), alors, on pourra se tourner vers la Russie. Alors, on pourra essayer, une bonne fois pour toutes, de faire l’Europe tout entière avec la Russie aussi, dut-elle changer son régime. Voilà le programme des vrais Européens. Voilà le mien”.

Charles de Gaulle (1949)

P.S.-2022-12-06 – Although any form of pan-European unity seems further away than ever, in reality the Ukraine war is a necessary condition to get rid of the US and the Atlanticist vassal elite in Europe, currently in power in the capitals and Brussels. If said vassal elite persists in its current anti-Russian stance, they are going to preside over a collapsing economy, which will eat away their power. Wait until the complacent populaton will have to live in cold homes, will have to scrap the car and plane holidays abroad and Europe swamped with millions of refugees. Let’s see how popular this Ukraine war still will be in 1-2 years time. This could very will morph into a 1989-moment for Western Europe, leading to a rollback of “1945”, abandone NATO and kick the US out of Europe and the rest of Eurasia.

All Russia asks is:

– no NATO in Ukraine
– safety for the Russophiles in Donbas
– lifting sanctions
– security guarantees for Russia within a European framework

We should give it to them.

One comment on “Paris-Berlin-Moscow

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